ProtectIQ can help shield you from ransomware. Ever since the global WannaCry incident in 2017 — ransomware, a type of malicious software that takes over […]
When you conduct a transaction online, this information includes your credentials for financial services such as PayPal or credit card information including card numbers, expiry […]
ProtectIQ helps put a wall between you and hackers. Email accounts are often the pathway that can provide a link to all your other valuable […]
What are cookies — and are they safe? Anyone who regularly browses the Internet has probably seen some sort of pop-up or other forms of […]
Let ProtectIQ™ be your Cyber-Defender Everything, from our web browsing to mobile devices and the smart devices installed in our homes, has the potential to […]
Tomorrow is the kickoff of Amazon Prime Day 2022 — and while Prime Day is full of incredible deals, it also brings the potential danger […]
This week, our team wants to stress the importance of not giving out sensitive, personal information online. When you include personal information online — especially […]
You may be familiar with multi-factor authentication — an extra security step that helps protect your accounts from unauthorized login attempts. In a recent scam, […]
Scammers are constantly figuring out crafty ways to access your personal information. While you might be aware of many common tricks that cybercriminals try to […]
QR codes are becoming much more common, especially in recent years. You can find them almost anywhere, whether in advertisements, at your favorite restaurant, or […]